When faced with the possibility of investing in a new type of equipment, there is now a good chance that financial leasing will be presented to you.
Indeed, this new way of investing presents many advantages and services for your structure that are diametrically opposed to those of a classic credit that you could make with your bank. We explain why in the following lines.
The ways in which products are acquired and used have now changed: from an economy of possession, we are slowly moving towards an economy of use. More clearly, instead of paying for the purchase of a car or a screen, we are paying monthly for its use.
This service, which is already well developed in the automotive market, is becoming more and more widespread and is now arriving on the real estate market thanks to VITRINEMEDIA.
Switching to financial leasing for the products we offer also means benefiting from a number of additional services, such as maintenance and replacement of your screens (technical problems, new technology released on the market, etc.), as well as a guarantee that runs for the entire duration of the lease.
Finally, this service is much more qualitative than a classic purchase, and better adapted to a market in constant evolution.
When you opt for a financial lease, you have to pay a monthly rent over a period determined in advance with your dedicated contact person when you sign the contract. Monthly rent means an annual charge: this amount impacts your company's results and therefore lowers your level of taxation.
An ideal, optimal situation while benefiting from tax leverage... This is the promise of VITRINEMEDIA FINANCIAL SERVICES.