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Digital showcases at the service of franchisees



Is digital signage the key to your brand image? At VITRINEMEDIA, we think so. Not to say that we are convinced!

As you probably know if you run several franchises, agencies or shops, creating uniformity in communication - whether visual, digital or paper - is not easy. Information does not always flow correctly between the different branches of the group, sometimes with a certain latency in the different elements to be displayed or transmitted.

Thanks to digital shop windows, these difficulties are a thing of the past! We show you in this article.


Whether it's on a departmental, regional or national scale, communicating via your franchisees is not always easy.

Thanks to the digital and LCD screens, you can not only offer all your communication elements to all your franchisees or members, but also create (or have created) specific content according to the target location.

Your agencies will also be able to express themselves at leisure, and let their entire personality shine through, in a local way.


Communicating via digital screens means ensuring a high degree of fluidity in the transmission and management of your information. The LCD guarantees flexibility, thanks to content management software that allows you to control the distribution of content on a local, regional and even national scale!

Franchises often report to headquarters that communication materials are not being delivered on time. These elements can also be created by the franchise itself, but often not in the best way. This results in a display gap that can potentially damage your brand image.

Opting for communication via digital screens and LCD media means ensuring that the graphic charter is respected, that the elements are transmitted on time and displayed at the best possible moments, in accordance with a pre-established publication calendar.


The digital screens, which can be controlled remotely and easily programmed, help to develop a sense of belonging to the brand, even if the branch is geographically remote.

This link will benefit all the brand's employees, who will feel fully invested in their mission, and will represent with pride and motivation the values you advocate.

Are you now convinced of the effectiveness of digital shop windows for your franchise communication? We understand you!

Don't hesitate to contact us so that we can present our solutions to you.
